Israel's 5th Generation Fighter
Israel became the first country to select the F-35 through the United States government's Foreign听Military Sales (FMS) process when a Letter of Agreement was signed in October 2010.听鈥
The Israeli Air Force (IAF) gave听the F-35 the Hebrew name听Adir, meaning "Mighty One" in Hebrew.听On June 22,听2016, the IAF received the first听F-35听Adir for Israel. The IAF's F-35 fleet was declared operationally听capable in December 2017, marking the completion of an intensive integration and training effort听conducted at Nevatim AFB, Israel.听
Program Milestones

F-35: 诪讟讜住 讛拽专讘 诪讛讚讜专 讛讞诪讬砖讬
诪讚讬谞转 讬砖专讗诇 讛讬讬转讛 讛专讗砖讜谞讛 讘注讜诇诐 诇讘讞讜专 讘诪讟讜住 讛-F-35 讻讞诇拽 诪注住拽转 诪讻讬专讛 爪讘讗讬转 (FMS) 注诐 讛诪诪砖诇 讛讗诪专讬拽讗讬. 讝讗转, 讻砖讞转诪讛 注诇 讛住讻诐 LOA (Letter of Agreement) 听讘讗讜拽讟讜讘专 2010. 讛砖诐 讛注讘专讬 砖谞讬转谉 诇诪讟讜住 讛讬谞讜 "讗讚讬专".
讞讬诇 讛讗讜讜讬专 讛讬砖专讗诇讬 拽讬讘诇 讗转 诪讟讜住 讛-F-35 讛专讗砖讜谉 讘-22 讘讬讜谞讬, 2016, 讜讛讻专讬讝 注诇 讬讻讜诇转 诪讘爪注讬转 诇诪讟讜住讬 讛- F-35 讘讚爪诪讘专 2017, 讜讘讻讱 住讬诪谉 讗转 讛砖诇诪转 讛转讛诇讬讻讬诐 讛诪拽讬驻讬诐 诇讗讬诪讜谉, 讛讛讻砖专讛 讜讛讛讟诪注讛 砖诇 讛诪讟讜住讬诐 讜爪讜讜转讬讛诐 讘讘住讬住 讞讬诇 讛讗讜讜讬专 讘谞讘讟讬诐. 诪讗讝, 谞诪爪讗 讛诪讟讜住 讘砖讬专讜转 诪讘爪注讬 诪诇讗 讜转讛诇讬讱 讛讛爪讟讬讬讚讜转 讛谞讜讻讞讬 讬讬诪砖讱 讘砖谞讬诐 讛拽专讜讘讜转 注讚 诇讛砖诇诪转 讻诇诇 讛诪讟讜住讬诐 砖谞专讻砖讜.
爪讬讜谞讬 讚专讱 讘转讜讻谞讬转