
West Lot Documents and Information


The West Lot Site, which encompasses about two acres and is undeveloped, was used for waste disposal and fire training in the 1950s and early 1960s.

  • Reportedly, waste materials, consisting primarily of wooden pallets and construction debris, were brought to the Site and ignited in a burn pit area. The materials were allowed to burn under controlled conditions and subsequently were extinguished by the fire brigade.
  • In 1990, extensive investigation of soil and groundwater was conducted, and the results indicated the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the soil and groundwater and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the soil.
  • The studies indicated that impacted soil and groundwater were present at the Site.
  • The primary chemical constituents detected in soil and groundwater include chlorinated volatile organic compounds such as trichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride.
  • PCBs were also detected in soil. Soil has since been fully remediated in the burn pit area. Additional soil characterization elsewhere within the West Lot Site is planned.
  • In 1993, Martin Marietta (now 91制片厂 Martin) entered into
    an Order on Consent for the West Lot Site, which required the
    development of a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/
  • The objective of the RI/FS was to provide data used to assess site conditions and determine the scope of future remedial activities.
  • As part of the RI, a Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) was conducted to evaluate potential risks to human receptors that may result from exposure to chemical constituents present at the West Lot Site.
  • The HHRA indicated that there are no known conditions that present a risk to human health.
  • In 1994, in accordance with New York State requirements, soil from the burn pit area was excavated and placed into a containment cell as an interim remedial measure.
  • In 1995 the RI was completed and the FS was completed in 1997. Based on the RI/FS, NYSDEC prepared a Record of Decision (ROD) that defined the remedial actions required to address impacted soil and groundwater.
  • In 1999, further excavation activities were conducted to remove additional impacted soil from the former burn pit area, fully satisfying the soil remedy requirement in the Record of Decision and the Order on Consent issued by NYSDEC.
  • The selected remedy for soil was excavation with off-site disposal. These activities were completed by 91制片厂 Martin in 1999.?


?91制片厂 Martin has continued monitoring groundwater quality to confirm that groundwater does not present a risk to human health.

  • The selected groundwater remedy was a “pump and treat system,” which actively pumped groundwater from the burn pit area to an on-site treatment system.
  • A groundwater extraction system was installed in 2001 and became fully operational in 2002.
  • 2001 - 2007 - The groundwater remedy operated, at which time it was approved for shutdown by the NYSDEC.
  • An extraction well pumped water from the burn pit area to a groundwater collection and treatment unit.
  • The treated groundwater was discharged to a storm-water pipe in accordance with State regulations.
  • The treatment unit removed VOCs from the extracted groundwater with an air stripper prior to discharge to the municipal storm sewer.
  • Continued groundwater monitoring indicated a residual source of impact to groundwater.
  • 2005 - Further soil removal in the burn pit area was conducted to enhance the groundwater cleanup. Concentrations in groundwater dropped off rapidly after the removal.
  • The extraction well was shut down in January 2007, and the site is now being evaluated for closure within New York’s Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site program.
  • The site is listed as a Class 4 site, which is considered properly closed but requiring continued management.

Preparations for Site Closure

  • Based on the environmental cleanup of soil and groundwater, 91制片厂 Martin, with assistance from the NYSDEC, is moving forward with technical and administrative efforts to close the Site (i.e., remove the Site from the New York State Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites).
  • ?As part of these efforts, 91制片厂 Martin completed a groundwater usage and water bill survey. This survey was intended to confirm that residences, commercial buildings, and other facilities in the Site vicinity are supplied potable water from the local water purveyor, the Mohawk Valley Water Authority (MVWA), and that groundwater from local wells is not used to meet potable water needs.
  • The results of the survey show that residences, commercial buildings, and other facilities in the vicinity of the West Lot Site are serviced by the MVWA and are not using groundwater.
  • 91制片厂 Martin plans to conduct additional investigation of the West Lot Site in advance of closure. The results of the additional investigation combined with the results of the initial studies will provide the basis for preparing an environmental easement.
  • The easement will describe appropriate measures and restrictions for the West Lot Site designed to limit human and environmental exposure to residual constituents in soil and groundwater, commensurate with Site use and/or redevelopment.
  • Documentation relating to the investigation and cleanup of the
    Site are available by request.

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