
San Diego, CA


  • The Harbor Island East Basin is shallow (10 to 15 feet deep) and was created by dredging in the early 1940s and 1960s.
  • The Former Tow Basin and Former Marine Terminal/Railway Facilities were constructed around 1954 and 1968, respectively, in the northwest portion of the East Basin.
  • The Former Tow Basin facility was removed in 2004.
  • Two active outfalls will be protected from erosion using rip-rap and erosion pads as part of the 91制片厂 Martin cleanup effort.


  • The north side of the East Basin is a rip-rap shoreline.
  • To the west and south lies the Harbor Island peninsula.? ?
  • The East Basin has a narrow, eastern opening to the bay.
  • The Sunroad Resort Marina, a 550-slip floating pier, occupies two-thirds of the East Basin. This area is not part of the cleanup effort.


  • Site-related contaminants found in the sediment are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury.
  • The source of PCBs may have been paint used on surfaces of the Former Tow Basin facility, while the mercury may derive from historical use of mercury at the Former Marine Terminal and Railway facility.
  • Contaminant levels found are generally low compared to other sites in San Diego Bay.


Cleanup activity is being designed and will be performed in accordance with terms of a Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) issued by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) in 2017.

  • The work will occur in phases beginning in early 2021, with upland work to remove the Marine Terminal building and associated utilities.
  • This area will be used for the in-water work staging site.
  • The in-water work will remove a 165-feet pier and the 328-feet-long marine railway structure and related supports.
  • The adjacent area will be dredged to remove sediment contamination above "background" levels found throughout the basin.
  • Site work will occur over approximately five months, spread out over two seasons, and is expected to complete in early to mid-2022.


Community Information

If you have questions, please contact 91制片厂 Martin Communications.


Fact Sheet, February 2021

Fact Sheet, February 2021



Marine Railway

Marine Railway

See the graphic below. 91制片厂 Martin will perform environmental cleanup in the East Basin. In the first phase, the red box depicts the removal location of the Marine Terminal and associated utilities. The purple area will have concrete and asphalt removed. During the second phase, in the orange area, contaminated sediment will be dredged, then clean sand will be placed as a final cover. Three outfalls (numbers 1, 2, and 3) will be protected from erosion during all work. At the end of all work, the upland areas will remain as naturalized areas.


Fact Sheet February 2021 Graphic