
Middle River Document Archive

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Construction Completion Report for the Groundwater Remedy Blocks E and F 04 05 2022


2021 Comprehensive Surface Water Report for Dark Head Cove and Cow Pen Creek

2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report??

100% Design Sub-Slab Depressurization System Fourth Phase Expansion Building A. October 2021

100% Design Sub-Slab Depressurization System Third Phase Expansion Building C, October 2021

100% Design Sub-Slab Depressurization System, Drop Hammer Building, October 2021

Soil Management Plans for Blocks A,B,D,D Panhandle, F,G and H Revision 2, October 2021

Soil Management Plan for Block E and I, Revision 2, October 2021

Block F PRB Pilot Report September 2021

Block I, Drop Hammer Building Investigation Report August 2021

Bulkhead Granular Fill Replenishment Report August 2021

Bulkhead Outfall Sealing Completion Report July 2021

?Well Installation and Initial Groundwater Monitoring Report to Support Groundwater Remedy Blocks E/F Performance Evaluation July 2021

Building A Basement MH-D18 Sampling Report May 2021

April 2021 Surface Water Technical Memorandum for Dark Head Cove and Cow Pen Creek

Groundwater Response Action Plan Addendum 5, Blocks E & F Revision 1 - March 2021

Risk Based Disposal Approval Application (RBDAA) for PCB - Contaminated Soil Removal in Block E March 2021

Vapor-Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab-Depressurization-System Operation, Monitoring Report Round?30 February?2021

Groundwater Investigation South of Building C Report January 2021


Vapor Intrusion Investigation and Sub -Slab Depressurization System Operation, Monitoring Report Round 29 August 2020

2020 Cow Pen Creek Bank Stabilization and Floodplain Reconstruction Monitoring Report

Block F PCB Residual Risk Analysis Update May 2020

Expanded SAV Survey for Cow Pen Creek and Dark Head Cove 04 28 2020

Block E Asbestos and Soil Pile Sampling Investigation Report 04 30 2020

Groundwater Chlorobenzene Characterization Report 03 03 2020

Vapor Intrusion and SSDS Operation Round 28 February 2020

2020 April Surface Water Technical Memorandum for Dark Head Cove and Cow Pen Creek

Soil Management Plan for Blocks E and I, July 2020

Soil Management Plan for Blocks A, B, D, D Panhandle, F, G, and H J, July 2020

Block F PCB Residual Risk Analysis Update MRC Remediation Site, March 2020

Groundwater Investigation Blocks E/F Installation of Deep Soil Boring SB-SEMW-10D Report, February 2020

Operation Maintenance and Monitoring Plan for Blocks E/F Groundwater Remedy, February 2020


2019 Groundwater Use Investigation Report

2019 April Surface Water Technical Memorandum

2019 June Surface Water Technical Memorandum

2019 Comprehensive Surface Water Report for Dark Head Cove & Cow Pen Creek

2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report

2019 Cow Pen Creek Wetland Restoration Monitoring Report

2019 Per and Polyfluoroakyll Substances Groundwater Investigation Report

2019 Block E Storm Drain Monitoring Report

2019 Cow Pen Creek Bank Stabilization and Flood Plain Reconstruction Monitoring Report

2019 In Situ Sediment Treatment Year One Monitoring Report

2019 Vapor-Intrusion Management Plan

Block E Soil Remedial Action Plan, November 2019

Cow Pen Creek and Dark Head Cove, SAV Restoration and Monitoring Report October 31, 2019

Response Action Completion Report for Groundwater at Block I October 2019

Vapor-Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab Depressurization-System Operation, Round 27 August 2019 Monitoring Report

Dark Head Cove Interim Surface Water PCB Technical Memorandum July 2019

Dark Head Cove Surface Water Laboratory Data Comparison Study Technical Memorandum July 2019

Well Installation and Sampling to Support Mass Discharge Evaluation Report July 2019

Block F Groundwater Chlorobenzene Characterization Report, April 2019

Risk-Based Disposal Approval Application (RBDAA) for the Block E Soil Removal, March 2019

Block E Soil Remedial Action Plan, March 2019

Vapor-Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab Depressurization-System Operation?Monitoring Report?Round 26, February 2019 ?

Technical Memorandum Outfall Sealing East End of Block D,?February?2020

Cow Pen Creek Wetland Restoration Monitoring Report, January 2019

Soil Management Plan for Blocks E and I. January 2019

Chesapeake Park Plaza PCB Investigation Report, January 2019



2018 April Surface Water Technical Memorandum

2018 June Surface Water Technical Memorandum

2018 Comprehensive Surface Water Report

2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report

2018 Cow Pen Creek Wetland Restoration Monitoring?Report

2018 Cow Pen Creek Bank Stabilization And Floodplain Reconstruction Monitoring Report

2018 Block?E Storm Drain Monitoring Report

Third Injection Completion Report Block I, December 2018

Cow Pen Creek and Dark Head Cove, SAV Restoration and Monitoring Report, November 2018

Remedial Action Completion Report for Groundwater at Block?G, October 2018

Groundwater Leachate Management Block I Flow Testing and Additional Sump Sampling Report, October 2018

Infrastructure Abandonment Report, September 2018

Vapor-Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab-Depressurization-System Operation?Monitoring Report?Round 25, August 2018 ?

Bulkhead Cap Replacement Report, August 2018

Vapor Monitoring Point Sampling Report Block I Maintenance Building, August 2018

Building A Sub-Slab Depressurization System and Indoor Air Quality Assessment, July 2018

Block E MH-9 Storm Drain Cleaning Report, June 2018

Groundwater Response Action Plan Addendum Number 4, Blocks E & F, June 2018

Infrastructure Assessment: Utility Poles & Former Watchman Towers Sampling Investigation Report, June 2018

Season Two Cow Pen Creek Sediment Remedy Completion Report, May 2018

Groundwater Monitoring Well & Vapor Monitoring Point Installation Report, Block I Maintenance Building & Surrounding Area, April 2018

Block E Downgradient Trichloroethene Plume Additional Investigation Report, April 2018

Season Two?In Situ?Treatment Completion Report, April 2018

Maryland Department of Environment, NPDES Permit Closure and Compliance Report, March 23 2018

Semi-Annual Site Progress Report, November 2017 - April 2018

Vapor-Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab-Depressurization-System Operation?Monitoring Report?Round?24, February 2018

Block I Building A & Building A Basement Investigation Report, January 2018

Technical Memorandum: June?2017 Surface Water Sampling Results for Dark Head Cove and Cow Pen Creek, January 2018


2017 Monitoring of Dredge Area D2-6 for Sediment Deposition

Construction Report?Sub-Slab?Depressurization System Third Phase Expansion- Building A, October 2017

Building C Air Sampling due to Recent Flooding, Sampling and Analysis Summary, October 2017

Block I Building A Basement Monitoring Report, September 2017

Block E Soil Remedial Investigation Addendum Report: Radiological Soil Sampling, July 2017

Block E Summary Report, Spring 2016 & Winter 2017

Slag-Characterization Report, November 2017

Groundwater Monitoring Report ,March-April 2017

Proposed Indoor Air Screening Level for Trichloroethene in Middle River Complex?Building A?Basement June 2017

Risk-Based Disposal Approval Application for?In Situ?Treatment of PCB?Contaminated Sediment in Dark Head Cove ,June 2016?Part 1

Risk-Based Disposal Approval Application for?In Situ?Treatment of PCB?Contaminated Sediment in Dark Head Cove June 17, 2016?Part 2??

Technical Memorandum: April 2017 Surface Water Sampling Results for Dark Head Cove and Cow Pen Creek, September 2017

Vapor Intrusion Investigation and Sub -Slab Depressurization System Operation, Round 22? Monitoring Report, March 2017

100% Design Sub-Slab Depressurization System Third-Phase Expansion Building A, June 2017

Construction Completion Report: Season One Sediment Remedy for Dark Head Cove, June 2017

Memo Building A Sub-slab Depressurization System Assessment and Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, May 2017

Baseline Bioaccumulation Sampling Report, May 2017

Block E Downgradient Trichloroethene Groundwater Investigation, May 2017

Bulkhead Soil Retention Geotechnical Investigation, April 2017

Protecting the Middle River Complex Sediment Remedy from PCBs in Storm Drains, March 2017

Block E Soil Remedial Investigation Addendum Report: PCB Sediment Sampling of Storm Drain Systems for Outfalls 006 & 008, February 2017

Block E Soil Remedial Investigation Addendum Report: Radiological Sediment Sampling of Outfall 006 and 008 Storm Drain Systems, February 2017

Groundwater Response Action Plan Addendum 3: Remedy Modifications for Block I, March 2017


2016 Block E Storm Drain Assessment Report

2016 Groundwater Use Investigation Report

2016 Surface Water Sampling Report

2nd Injection Event Completion Report for Blocks G and I, December 2016

Block E Soil Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum 2 Winter 2016/2017 Soil Sampling, December 2016

Block E Anomaly Investigation: Underground Storage Tank Closure Report, December 2016

Block I Building A and Building A Basement Vapor-Intrusion Investigation Report, November 2016

Block I & Building A Basement Supplemental Vapor-Intrusion Investigation Report, October 2016

Construction Report Sub-Slab Depressurization System Second-Phase Expansion - Building A, October 2016

Construction Completion Report: Block G Soil Remedial Action, September 2016

Risk-Based Disposal Approval Application for PCB-Contaminated Sediment Removal in Dark Head Cove, August 2016

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & Sub-Slab? Depressurization-System Operation, (Round 21) Monitoring Report, August 2016

Block F Underground Storage Tank Closure Report Supplemental Information, August 2016

Surface Water Sampling Results for Dark Head Cove & Cow Pen Creek?Technical Memorandum, June 2016

Block G Underground Storage Tank Closure Report, June 2016

Sediment Remedy 100% Design for Cow Pen Creek & Dark Head Cove, June 2016

Construction Completion Report: Block D Panhandle Soil Remedial Action, June 20, 2016

Construction Completion Report: Block D Soil Remedial Action, June 2016

Outfall 005 Storm- Drain Plugging Technical Memo, June 2016

Construction Completion Report: Block F Soil Remedial Action, May 2016

UST 2 TCE Source Remedial Action Summary of MPE System Operation, April 2016

Block?F Underground Storage Tank Closure Report, April 2016

Groundwater Monitoring Report, March-April 2016

100% Design Sub-Slab Depressurization System Second-Phase Expansion - Building A, March 2016

Water Management Administration Inspection; Response Regarding Outfall 008 Repair, February 2016

Vapor Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab-Depressurization-System Operation?Monitoring Report, February 2016 ?

Block E Tracer Testing Work Plan, February 2016

Block H Construction Completion Report, February 2016


2015 Surface Water Sampling Report

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & Sub-Slab Depressurization-System Operation,?Monitoring Report, February 2015 ?

Groundwater Monitoring Report, April-June 2015

Sediment Removal Action for Outfall 005, 2014-2015

Storm-Drain Assessment Report Blocks D and F, October 2015

Surface Water Sampling Results for Dark Head Cover & Cow Pen Creek?Technical Memorandum, November 2015

Block G Soil Remedial Action Plan Addendum 4: Transformer Investigation II, December 2015

Basis of Design Report Sub-Slab Depressurization System Second-Phase Expansion - Building A, December 22 2015

Vapor Intrusion InvestigationSub-Slab-Depressurization System?Monitoring Report, August 2015 ?

Block D Soil Remedial Action Plan Addendum 2: Sheen Observed at the Corner of Block D, August 26 2015

Block E Multi-Phase Extraction System Operation Interim Report, May August 2015

Block G Soil Remedial Action Plan Addendum 2: Supplemental UST & Transformer Investigation, August 2015

Construction Completion Report, Outfall 005 Sediment Removal Action, June 2015

Technical Memorandum for Additional Radiological Sediment Sampling, March 2015

Block E Design Soil Sampling Investigation Report, March 2015

Risk-Based Disposal Approval Application for?In Situ?Treatment of PCB?Contaminated Sediment in Dark Head Cove, January 2015


2014 Surface Water Sampling Report

Block E Soil Removal Associated with the Groundwater Remedy Report, August 2014

Vapor Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab-Depressurization-System Operation Monitoring Report, September 2014

Summary Report for Soil & Groundwater Delineation Block E UST, July 2014

Construction Completion Report, August 2014

Tracer Study Report, October 2014

Storm Drainage System Sediment Sampling Report, August 2014

2014 Block E PCB Groundwater Delineation Summary Report

Technical Memorandum for Additional Polychlorinated Biphenyl Sediment Sampling, November 11 2014

Groundwater Monitoring Report , May-June 2014

Remedial Action Plan Addendum: Blocks D, D Panhandle, F, G, and H Design Soil Sampling Investigation Report, November 2014

Vapor Intrusion Investigation SSDS Operation Monitoring Report, February 2014

Block G Soil Remedial Action Plan, January 2014

Block F Soil Remedial Action Plan, January 2014

Block E Underground Storage Tank Closure Report, January 2014


2013 Surface Water Sampling Report

Supplemental Investigation Block E and I Report, March 2013

Block D Panhandle Soil Remedial Action Plan, December 2013

Block D Soil Remedial Action Plan, November 2013

Block H Soil Remedial Action Plan, November 2013

Groundwater Response Action Plan, July 2013

Groundwater Monitoring Report, March-May 2013

Indoor Air & Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Round 15?Work Plan Addendum, August 2013

Groundwater Response Action 100% Design Basis Report, September 2013

Groundwater Use Investigation Report, September 2013

Operation and Maintenance Manual: Sub-Slab Depressurization System Building C, September 2013

Additional Indoor Air and Sub-Slab Vapor Monitoring, Building A Sub-Slab Depressurization Shutdown, September 2013

Construction Documentation, Sub-Slab Depressurization System, Second-Phase Expansion Building C, September 2013

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & Sub-Slab-Depressurization-System Operation?Monitoring Report, February 2013 ?

Supplemental Investigation Block E and Block I 2013 Work Plan, August 2013

Feasibility Study for the Remediation of Sediments Adjacent to Middle River Complex, July 2013

Sediment Remedy Design Investigation Work Plan, July 2013

PCB Bioavailability Reductions by Activated Carbon

Technical Papers Supporting Sediment Feasibility Study


2012 Additional Block E Soil Investigation Report

Feasibility Study for the Remediation of Sediments Adjacent to Middle River Complex, December 2012

Surface Water Sampling Report, November 2012

Human Health Risk Assessment for Blocks D, E, F, G, & H Soils, September 2012

Vapor Intrusion Management Plan, September 2012

Injection Pilot Study Report, September 2012

Surface Water Sampling Work Plan, August 2012

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & SSDS Operation Monitoring Report, August 2012

Blocks E Pre Design Soil Sampling Work Plan, June 2012

Groundwater Monitoring Report, April 2012

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & SSDS Operation Monitoring Report, February 2012

Sediment Remediation - Public Information Session Presentation, January 2012

Frequently Asked Questions - Block E Storm Drain Interim Remedial Measure, January 2012


2011 Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan ?

Ground Water Monitoring Report, March - May 2011

Supplemental Block I Characterization Report, June 2011

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & SSDS Operation Monitoring Report, August 2011

Interim Remedial Measures Design Report - Block E Storm Sewer System,? May 2011

Sediment Characterization Report for Cow Pen Creek & Dark Head Cove , May 2011

Indoor Air & Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Work Plan Addendum - Round 10, June 2011

Sediment Risk Assessment, May 2011

Fish Tissue Report, April 2011

Additional Sediment Characterization Sampling Data Summary Report, March 2011

Block B Construction Report, Soil Response Action, February 2011

Vapor Intrusion Investigation and SSDS Operation Monitoring Report, February 2011

Deep Groundwater Investigation Report Addendum, January 2011

Vapor Intrusion Investigation and Sub-Slab Depressurization System Operation, January 2011


Ground Water Monitoring Report, May - June 2010

Vapor-Intrusion Management Plan, December 2010

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & Sub-Slab Depressurization System Operation Sampling Report, February 2010

Block E Supplemental Soil & Storm Drain Sediment Characterization Report, October 2010

Deep Groundwater Investigation Report, October 2010

Deep Groundwater Investigation Work Plan, November 2010

Data-Gap Soil Sampling Work Plan - Blocks D, F, G and H, September 2010

Supplemental Block I Characterization Work Plan, September 2010

Characterization & Sediment Sampling Work Plan, September 2010

Indoor Air & Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Work Plan Addendum Round 9, August 2010

Vapor Intrusion Investigation & Sub-Slab Depressurization System Operation Summary Report, 2009

Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan, May 2010

Soil Response Action Plan Block B, May 2010

Groundwater Monitoring Report, July - August 2009


Groundwater Monitoring Report, July - August 2008

Soil Response Action Plan Groundwater, April 2008

Soil Response Action Plan - Block D, April 2008

Soil Response Action Plan - Block E & E Lot 3, April 2008

Soil Response Action Plan - Block F, April 2008

Soil Response Action Plan - Block G, Lot 1, April 2008

Soil Response Action Plan - Block H, April 2008

Offsite Groundwater Characterization Report, September 2007

Indoor Air Quality Investigation Buildings A, B, C, & VLS, September 2007


Historical Review Summary Report, July 2009

Radiological Survey Report for Former Building D, April 2004

Groundwater Use Investigation Report, April 2006

Surface Water Sediment Report, April 2006

Phase II Site Investigation Of Exterior Areas,?Vol. I & II, February 2004

Phase II Site Investigation?Data Report, April 2005

Site Characterization Report, May 2006

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