
Akron Document Archive

93?Haley's Run Restoration Report?- December 2012

92?Haley's Run Restoration Report?- December 2011???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
91?EPA Region 5 Approval Letter September 2010
90?Haley's Run Celebration Newsletter?- August 2010
89?Haley's Run Remediation Newsletter Update?- June 2010
88?Haley's Run Remediation Newsletter Update?- May 2010
87?Haley's Run Remediation Newsletter Update?- April 2010
86B?Haley's Run Remediation Certification Report?- Feb2010
86A?Haley's Run Remediation Report Cover Letter to EPA?- Feb2010
85?Response to SCWD Inspection Letter
84?SCWD Inspection Letter
83?Progress Report Number 6
82?Haley's Ditch newsletter December 2009
81?Progress Report Number 4
80?Conservation Summit Fall Newsletter
79?SWCD Letter
78?Progress Report Number 3
77?Progress Report Number 2
76?Progress Report Number 1
75?Akron Wastewater Discharge Approval
74?OEPA Stormwater General Permit – Riverworks
73?OPEA Stormwater General Permit – Arcadis
72?Informational Meeting Letter
71?OEPA Finding of No Significant Impact
70?Nationwide 38 Permit
69?SWPPP Approval
68?Haley’s Ditch Restoration Plan
67?Response to SWCD Comments
66?Haley’s Ditch Remediation Plan
65?Storm Drain Soil Investigation Plan
64?Storm Drain Pipe Debris Removal Report
63?Citizens Guide
62?EPA Approval Letter
61?SWCD Comment Letter
60?Citizens Outreach Plan
59?Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan application
58?NPDES Stormwater Permit
57?SWCD Response Letter
56?Ohio EPA Airdock Inspection
55?April 15 Grading Permit Application
54?April 15 Stormwater Sampling Results
53?2009 March 9 NPDES Notice of Intent Application
52?2009 March 26 Response to EPA Questions
51?2009 March 16 Ohio EPA Soil Application Comment Letter
50?March 12 Preliminary Jursisdictional Determination
49?2009 March 5 Response to EPA Questions
48?2009 March 5 NFA Submission to Ohio EPA
47?March 3 Ohio EPA Request for Information
46?2009 February 27 US EPA Information Request
45?2009 January 9 Haley's Ditch Approval Request to EPA
44?2009 January 9 Stormwater Sampling Results
43?2008 December 18 EPA CAFO
42?2008 December 8 Nationwide 38 Permit Application
41?2008 December 1 Storm Debris Removal Project Report
40?2008 November 25 NPDES Permit Application
39?2008 November 17 Stormwater SAP Revision 1
38?2008 November 10 Pavement Debris Removal Project Report
37?2008 November 4 Stormwater Permit Request
36?2008 October 21 VAP SAP Comments
35?2008 October 16 Soil Excavation Report
34?2008 October 5 US Army COE Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination
33?2008 October 1 Airdock Stormwater SAP
32?2008 September 30 VAP RA Comments
31?2008 September 22 Stormwater Permit Letter
30?2008 September 9 Ecological Resources Report
29?2008 September 9 Indiana Bat Survey Report
28?2008 September 4 OEPA Meeting Summary
27?2008 August 28 Exterior Project Update
26?2008 August 28 Storm Drain Removal Plan
25?2008 August 18 Ecological Survey Response
24?2008 August 13 Ecological Assessment Request
23?2008 July 21 USFW Endangered Species Permit
22?2008 July 21 USFW Bat Survey Report
21?2008 July Wetlands Delineation Report
20?2008 March 17 VAP RA Comments
19?2008 March 15 Pavement Debris Removal Plan
18?2007 December 5 Pavement Characterization Transmittal
17?2007 October 23 OEPA Soil Comments
16?2007 August 28 EPA Soil Approval Request Letter
15?2007 June 26 Exterior Project Update
14?2007 January 24 EPA Letter
13?2007 January Fact Sheet
12?2006 August 30 EPA Exterior Soil under Concrete Approval
11?2006 June 23 Airdock May 18 2006 Fire Investigation Report
10?2006 May 24 Air Monitoring Report for the Incident
9?2006 February 7 Storm Drain Design
8?2006 February Fact Sheet
7?2005 December 21 EPA Letter
6?2005 August 11 Siding Notification
5?2005 June 27 Concrete Disposal Approval
4?2005 June 9 Exterior Remediation Plan and Schedule
3?2005 May 5 CAFO Final
2?2005 January 31 Storm Drain Letter Reply
1?2005 January 13 Storm Drain Letter

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