
T&C's (F-22) Archive

T&C's (F-22) Archive

Prime Contract Description Terms and Conditions Prime Supplement Terms
F33657-99-C-0036 F-22 Lot 1 Production Appendix 10 (Version 5), Dated May 20, 2003 None
F33657-00-C-0020 F-22 Lot 2 Production Appendix 10 (Version 5), Dated May 20, 2003 None
F33657-01-C-2095 F-22 Lot 3 Production Appendix 10 (Version 5), Dated May 20, 2003 None
F33657-02-C-0010 F-22 Lot 4 Production Appendix 10 (Version 5), Dated May 20, 2003 None
FA8611-04-C-2851 F-22 Lot 5 Production Appendix 10 (Version 6), Dated October 25, 2004 None
FA8611-05-C-2850 F-22 Lot 6 Production Appendix 10 (Version 7), Dated October 26, 2006 None
FA8611-06-C-2899 MulitYear Appendix 10 (Version 7), Dated October 26, 2006 None
FA8611-09-C-2900 Lot 10 Production Applicable CORPDOCS – Current Version

Prime Supplement Flowdown Document, Dated September 20, 2011

Additional Subcontract Terms for FA8611-09-C-2900, Dated December 14, 2009

FA8611-08-C-2897 F-22 Sustainment (FASTeR) Applicable CORPDOCS – Current Version

Prime Supplement Flowdown Document, Dated January 2, 2013

Additional terms for subcontracts issued pursuant to FA8611-06-R-2897, Revised March 24, 2011
Additional terms for subcontracts issued pursuant to FA8611-06-R-2897, Revised March 10, 2010

FA8611-13-D-2850 (previously identified as FA8611-11-D-2850) F-22 Raptor Enhancement Development and Integration II (REDI II) Contract Applicable CORPDOCS – Current Version

Prime Supplemental Flowdown Document, Dated May 9, 2013

Prime Supplemental Flowdown Document, Dated May 9, 2013,?Prime Supplemental Flowdown Document, Dated May 1, 2012

F33657-97-C-0030 Production Readiness Test Vehicle (PRTV) Appendix 10 (Version 5), Dated May 20, 2003 None
F33657-02-D-0009 F-22 Raptor Enhancement Development and Integration (REDI) Contract

Applicable CORPDOCS – Current Version

Appendix 10 (Version 6), Dated October 25, 2004

Prime Supplement Flowdown Document,?Revision 1, Dated September 27, 2011

Prime Supplement Flowdown Document, Dated September 27, 2011

? Cost Reimbursement Orders for F-22 Prime Contracts Supplement F22 - CR ?
? Time and Materials Orders for F-22 Prime Contracts Supplement F22 - TM ?

