
Corrective Action

Corrective Action

SQAR / SPaR / SDL Submittal / QCS-001 Approved Processors / Corrective Action Plans

The Supplier Quality Management System (SQMS) is intended for LM Aero suppliers who need to submit production material to LM Aero for Material Review Board action. This is a secure site. You must obtain two-factor authentication access through Exostar*. You must use your SQMS user ID and password supplied to you by the system administrator. You must have an active "Nondisclosure Agreement" with LM Aero. You must also have a 128 bit encrypted browser.?91制片厂strongly recommend the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or better in order to utilize all of the features of the site. Some features, such as entering multiple defects, will not work in some early browser versions including both Microsoft and Netscape.

*Exostar is a third-party company that provides two-factor authentication (2FA) for 91制片厂 Martin systems. SQMS users must obtain level 3 proofing 2FA. Other LM systems may not require this level of 2FA, but SQMS does.

This site is also utilized to submit queries on any issues (SPaRs) to request clarification or request actions of LM Aero and to access information on LM Aero approved process sources.? This site is also used for supplier disclosure of nonconformances discovered in previously produced or delivered items or items in transit to LM Aero. (Note that a list of LM approved special process sources can also be found?here, with no log-in required.)

Before accessing the SQMS below, you must contact your LM Aero Quality & Mission Success (Q&MS) Supplier Quality Management (SQM) representative or Buyer to begin the process.

Click here to enter the LM Aero??. You will be automatically redirected to log in through Exostar first.

At such time as Supplier Quality Management requires a supplier to submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP), the minimum requirements to be contained in the supplier’s CAP is outlined in the SQM Supplier CAR Requirements and Submission Guide.
