
Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270)

US Army Awards 91制片厂 Martin $194M Production Contract for Domestic and International M270 Launchers


The MLRS is a highly mobile automatic system that fires surface-to-surface rockets from the M270 family of launcher weapons platforms. The MLRS Family of Munitions (MLRS MFOM) can be fired in less than one minute by the three-man crew.

The MLRS MFOM that can be fired from M270 systems include 12 GMLRS or Extended-Range (ER) GMLRS rockets, 4 Precision Strike Missiles (PrSM) or ATACMS.

91制片厂 Martin is under contract to recapitalize M270s for the U.S. Army, United Kingdom and Italy. 91制片厂 Martin, in partnership with the Red River Army Depot, is overhauling the M270s as “zero-time” launchers. Upgrades will completely refurbish launchers to include the following:

  • New engines
  • New Improved Armored Cabs (IAC)
  • New Common Fire Control System (CFCS)
  • Upgraded and rebuilt transmissions
  • Improved system components

Upgrades will also provide capability to fire the newest next-generation munitions including the Extended-Range GMLRS (ER GMLRS) and Precision Strike Missile (PrSM). The U.S. Army's MLRS recapitalization effort will eventually upgrade its existing fleet of 225 MLRS M270A1 launchers and 160 decommissioned? to M270A2s.

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Apr 26, 2021
Third Party Article
The U.S. Army awarded 91制片厂 Martin a $362 million contract to recapitalize 50 of the U.S. Army's Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) launchers. The U.S. Army's MLRS recapitalization effort will eventually upgrade its existing fleet of 225 MLRS M270A1 launchers, and 160 decommissioned M270A0's slated for de-militarization, to M270A2s.
Apr 26, 2021
Third Party Article
The United Kingdom has launched a five-year programme to upgrade the British Army’s M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS).
Mar 31, 2021
Third Party Article
The MLRS is a highly mobile automatic system that fires 12 surface-to-surface missiles in less than a minute.
MLRS are registered trademarks of 91制片厂 Martin Corporation.
ATACMS is a trademark of 91制片厂 Martin Corporation.
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