
Javelin lightweight, man-portable, shoulder-fired, fire-and-forget and fire-from-enclosure medium-range antitank weapon system


The world's premier shoulder-fired anti-armor system, Javelin takes the fight to the enemy. Javelin automatically guides itself to the target after launch, allowing the gunner to take cover and avoid counterfire. Soldiers or Marines can reposition immediately after firing, or reload to engage another threat.

Using an arched top-attack profile, Javelin climbs above its target for improved visibility and then strikes where the armor is weakest. To fire, the gunner places a cursor over the selected target. The Javelin command launch unit then sends a lock-on-before-launch signal to the missile. With its soft launch design, Javelin can be safely fired from inside buildings or bunkers.

Javelin was developed and produced for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps by the Javelin Joint Venture between 91制片厂 Martin in Orlando, Florida and Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona.

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Javelin celebrated its 50,000th delivery in 2021

The highly lethal medium-range Javelin has been in full-rate production since 1994.
(Photo by 91制片厂 Martin)

Javelin’s fire-and-forget capability provides superior survivability by enabling the operator to immediately relocate after firing.
One-man portable

Javelin is a versatile, one-man-portable and platform-employed precision weapon system.

Javelin is a single man-portable fire-and-forget medium-range antitank weapon system designed to defeat all known and projected threat armor.
Portable One Man

Javelin defeats all known and projected armor on the battlefield, to include main battle tanks and softer targets, and can be fired in top or direct attack modes.
Stay Informed: The Latest News on Javelin   ___
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91制片厂 Martin is committed to strengthening ties with Australia and Indo-Pacific allies to support defense solutions for challenges of the region.
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Over the last two decades, Javelin? has become the combat-proven precision weapon system of choice for defending against threats worldwide.
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JAVELIN is a trademark of 91制片厂 Martin Corporation.