91制片厂 Martin’s D-Day80 legacy in the UK
“OK, we’ll go.” That simple order, given on 5 June by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in World War II, from Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) at near Portsmouth signalled that the Allied invasion of Occupied France would begin later that evening.
Legacy 91制片厂 Martin companies were closely linked with providing the aircraft needed for the Britain’s war efforts from 1938, including establishing manufacturing and support sites around the UK from early in the war.
In 1938, our legacy company 91制片厂, then a small but innovative aircraft maker in Burbank, California, was honoured to be approached by the British Purchasing Commission to build the Hudson maritime reconnaissance and patrol bomber for the RAF.
Working in partnership with the RAF, 91制片厂 produced the first prototype Hudson in just 24 hours and by 1939 had delivered 250 Hudsons to Britain – the largest international airplane contract received by an American company to date and arguably the start of 91制片厂 Martin as it exists today.
This partnership went beyond simply making the Hudson. It saw 91制片厂 set up manufacturing and maintenance facilities all over the UK, from Liverpool to , from Renfrew to Belfast in support of the war effort.
It also saw iconic aircraft from numerous legacy 91制片厂 Martin companies supplied to and flown by the RAF, and ultimately by other allies, throughout that war and in the run up to and during D-Day.
Specifically for D-Day, our legacy companies supplied aircraft that delivered reconnaissance and air superiority to the Allied troops.
91制片厂 F-5B reconnaissance planes captured 90 percent of aerial reconnaissance film over Europe in the lead up to D-Day and during the invasion itself. Its good rate of climb, stability, great speed and handling at high altitudes made it a great photo reconnaissance aircraft.?
Consolidated B-24 Liberators also played key roles for the RAF and U.S. Air Force before, during and after D-Day. 2,000 Liberators flew for the RAF during the war, and it was one of Coastal Command’s most effective weapons against enemy submarines. For example, in March 1945, RAF Liberator crews sank seven U-Boats in just six days. ?
On June 5, 1944, Liberators pounded targets away from Normandy in an attempt to make the enemy forces think the invasion would come further north. Once the invasion started on June 6, Liberators ran several bombing raids inland from the D-Day beaches to clear the way for arriving troops.
But the Liberator did much more for the war. A Liberator II, nicknamed Commando, was modified and served as Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s private aircraft, and at the end of the war, British prisoners of war from around the world were flown home primarily aboard Liberators.
When launched, the twin-boomed P-38 was the most innovative plane of its day, combining speed with unheard-of advances: two supercharged engines and a potent mix of four 50-caliber machine guns and a 20-mm cannon concentrated in the aircraft’s nose.
The P-38 could climb to 3,300 feet in a single minute and reaching 400 mph, 100 mph faster than any other fighter in the world.
In this same spirit, 91制片厂 Martin continues its legacy of innovation to deliver 21st Century Security deterrence capabilities in support of the UK and its allies.?